Rent Reviews,
Landlord and Tenant Advice
We recognise that for both the landlords and the tenants, rent reviews and lease renewals are critical times of both opportunity and danger.
This is not only because of the rent, but also because of a range of other considerations, such as dilapidations, statutory procedures, possible surrender and renewals, break clauses and other unforeseen risks.
We aim to get our clients safely through these encounters, taking every opportunity to improve their position.
Having acted for both landlords and tenants on numerous rent reviews/lease renewals in the last 15 years James Moorhouse’s experience is invaluable, in securing settlements by agreement on satisfactory terms.
In the event the dispute cannot be resolved, through his experience of Third Party referrals and his knowledge of the Arbitration Act 1996 he ensures your best interests are properly cared for while being legally compliant.
He has also made representations at Court in relation to lease renewals and at the High Courts of Justice as an Expert Witness.
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